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Spring edition: Newsletter from the Southern Rhode Island Conservation District

A woman smiles as a seal gently touches her cheek with its nose beside a pool.

As we start to see the real signs of spring in New England, our team at the Southern Rhode Island Conservation District is busy gearing up for the upcoming growing season working with our landowners, farmers, foresters and fisherman. 

We are in the process of planning a number of upcoming events as you will read below, as well as some great things happening with our Resilient Riverfront Renewal project on Main Street in Westerly, our Fresh Harvest Kitchen and more.

As always, you can reach out to me  with any conservation questions or concerns you may have.  

A cursive handwritten signature in blue ink. 

Upcoming Events and Recent News

Two event flyers: 1) Public Information Session on May 2, 2) Quahog Week Sampling Event on May 13 with free clam samples.
Flyers for a "River Day Celebration" event and "Resiliency Radio Hour" talk show, with dates, times, and brief descriptions.
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